Get Money Out of Politics and Restore Our Democracy

With a political campaign system that is corrupt and controlled by billionaires and special interests, government of the people, by the people, and for the people is perishing in Nevada. Jacky Rosen and Dean Heller have already proven, that they are not serving Nevada or the voters but rather voting where the money is.

We cannot allow that to happen – again and again. We had already a period of 30 years where money controls our well being. The Citizens United decision hinges on the absurd notion that money is speech, corporations are people, and giving huge piles of undisclosed cash to politicians in exchange for access and influence does not constitute corruption.

Don’t Just Hope For A Better Nevada. Vote For One.

“People know it’s a fixed system.” We have a real chance for change in the 2018 U.S. Senate election. Bobby Mahendra has been a fierce advocate for fighting against Big Money in politics and has always stood up for the voices of everyday Americans over corporate special interests. Now he is ready to take the fight to Dean Heller and his billionaire backers, but he will need a grassroots movement behind him to do it. Add your name to join his campaign for U.S. Senate and be a part of this movement. Contribute NOW.